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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #105025: Negatives and semi-negatives
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    Negatives and semi-negatives

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    English exercise "Negatives and semi-negatives" created by here4u with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from here4u]
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    1) Not even once (the refugee imagine+ simple past) he would accept to stay in his persecuting country ...
    2) On no account (he-accept+past conditional) to obey the dictator.
    3) Only by running at full speed (he +escape+ simple past) from prison.
    4) Nowhere (he+ think+ simple past) he could find an asylum ...
    5) So badly (passive form+ he+beat+past perfect) that he still has the marks of his terrible torture ...
    6) 15 years ago, he arrived here as a political refugee ... He had come from his far away land with in his bundle ... At that time, he knew no one ... well, to be more precise, in his new country ! He had imagined his Dream Country, but only after a year that he could ... Only after finding a shelter fighting for his independence. Little it would be so difficult to get a job. Then, not only , but he also did a lot of overtime. He scrimped and saved, made sacrifices, but he was getting by. Very seldom to his heart's content ; he mostly went to soup-runs and shared a room with so many others that he could sleep...But little by little, things became better ... Only then he had made the right choice ...He could finally breathe free, and even send a little money back home ...

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