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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #105924: Australian dream
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Tales [Change theme]
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    Australian dream

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    In 2012, I was a in Australia, which was a nice experience. Perth is a very nice city and I in love with this amazing country when I visited it. I slept in a backpackers' hostel and I met people from , Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, etc. I woke up to try to get a job but it was difficult without speaking good English. I bought a car from an Australian guy and I the road to the north. I visited nice places during my road trip Ningaloo reef,Shark Bay,Exmouth.... Ningaloo is a small coral where you can swim with turtles, sharks and sting rays. At night when you look at the stars you can see the way. Lost in the middle of , you learn about yourself. Next time I'll tell you about my road trip to Mudgee the Australian desert.

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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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