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Most /Most of the / the most ...
1) Most = the great majority of / the greatest part of ...
Most is used in front of a noun with no determiner, when speaking in general.
ex : He hates most vegetables, including green beans !
ex : Most people speak two languages in Northern Europe.
2) Most of : is used in front of a determiner (the, my, this/these, that/those …) or a pronoun (us, you, them).
ex : Most of my friends live in the neighbourhood.
ex : Most of these explanations are not satisfactory !
ex : Most of my students learn their lessons regularly !
ex : Most of our customers drink Scotch whisky …
* most of is also used in front of a proper noun :
ex : Most of England applauded at the birth of the Little Prince !
3) … the most … is used to form the superlative form of adjectives of more than 2 syllables :
ex : He is the most intelligent member of the family !
4) Another form of superlative = 'most + adjective ...' (= really very …), with NO article.
ex : This lecture was most interesting really !
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