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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #106922: How and What ... like

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    How and What ... like

     When to use : 'How' or 'What ...like ? '








    1)  ‘How’ is used to ask somebody's news, or ask information about somebody's health or the condition of something.


    ex : How’s Mary, your sister ? She’s much better now. She has totally recovered.


    2) On the contrary : ‘What ….. like ?’ asks a  question about somebody's  physical aspect or about  the description of something.


    ex : What’s your sister Mary like ? She’s tall and slim, she has big blue eyes !


    - 'To be ...like' …refers to somebody's physical appearance or character. We're asked an opinion about somebody's appearance.


    ex : What's Tom like ? /What does Tom look like ?  He’s big and tall, with muscles : a real athlete !



    Beware of the different meanings of :


     - What’s your sister like ? Wonderful ! She’ small and brown-haired.


    versus :


     - What does your sister like ? She likes pizzas and French fries, but she hates vegetables … (here, 'like' is a verb) 



    B E W A R E !  In a  direct interrogative clause (a normal question ) the words order is  : Interrogative word + verb + Subject + ?    ex : How is he ? 


    ON THE CONTRARY :  in an indirect  interrogative clause, introduced  by  : 'She asks him...' : the words order becomes  : Introduction + interrogative word + subject + verb.

    ex : She tells me what he is like.










    Don't ever give up !

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    1) ? Has she been feeling better since her operation?
    2) I don't know how I'll recognize him ! I really don't know ?
    3) ' Maud has had a new baby boy ! Tell me .... and .' ' In fact, he is his mother's spitting image !'
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    6) I haven't seen your daughter for years, now !She must have changed. I wonder !
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    8) -'Oh ! You have moved to a new school ! ?' -'Terribly boring ! As much as the former one, alas !'
    9) - today ? - Terribly weak ! He needs to rest till tomorrow ...

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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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