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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #108545: Other - The others - Another

    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Adjectives | Speaking | Pronouns [Change theme]
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    Other - The others - Another

    1) OTHER: when it is an adjective, it is placed in front of a noun, and, of course, (like all other adjectives !)it is never in the plural.

    ex: No thank you ! I don’t want this book; I’d like the other book, the red one!

    ex: In no other place than here could you express such a shocking statement! 

    - When it is an adjective, other is placed before numbers:

    ex: The first day after the operation was quite difficult,  the other two were a little less painful. 


    2) THE OTHER: is preceded by the definite article : it's a pronoun which is treated like a noun. You must put an – s in the plural. 

    -  in the singular :

    ex: The One ... The other

    ex: She has two kids: one is a dentist, the other is a surgeon.

    One... another...

    in the plural :

    ex: Some ... (the) other/s

    ex: During the party, some were talking, others were dancing. 


    3) ANOTHER: (=* AN+OTHER)=> always written in a single word (and ... never preceded by‘an’… …)

    - is often followed by an uncountable in the singular.

    ‘another +  the singular = '*an other' ...

    ex: Would you like another piece of cake? 

    Another is sometimes followed by a noun in the plural preceded by a number or by ‘few’.

    ex: I’d like to stay another few weeks…


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    English exercise "Other - The others - Another" created by here4u with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from here4u]
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    1. We need the knives for our steaks ... These ones don't cut well enough...

    2. Would you mind if I had try? I'm sure I'll do better this time!

    3. I can't find the tickets... We won't all be able to come in...

    4. Tell the to come... We'll need as much support as possible!

    5. He had drunk too much! In words, he was completely drunk...

    6. Going to the mountains with the will be a real pleasure for me!

    7. Please, give me few minutes, and then, I'll be ready!

    8. Paul and the will come to work on our project.

    9. If you can't give me this photo, then lend me the ones!

    10. Pamela and my cousins will be here for my birthday party.

    11. I have studied Blake, Milton, Donne and but I prefer Shakespeare, by far!

    12. In circumstances, I would have been quite ashamed...

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Other - The others - Another
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Adjectives | Speaking | Pronouns | All our lessons and exercises