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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #108924: Possessive adjectives and pronouns.

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    Possessive adjectives and pronouns.

    It's so discouraging to notice that even Intermediate learners do not master the use of possessive adjectives and pronouns...
    What can we do? ... Make sure that the fundamental rules are known and enforced, and do exercises till the use becomes automatic...

    I) Possessive adjectives:

    1) Like all adjectives, they are never in the plural

    My, your, his/her/its, our, your, their + noun

    ex: my car; his book; her passport; their pictures; her keys.

    1                                                     3  
               'Their' = A Possessive Adjective.                                                'His' =   (here) an adjective                                                'Yours' = a pronoun 

    2)  IN THE  3rd person, compared to the French system, POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES HAVE  an IMPORTANT  CHARACTERISTIC: 

    They have to be made agree with the owner,  and not with  the object which is owned. 
    ex: Mary's house => her house ; John' s house => his house. The dog's leash => its leash.


    3) 'our''your', and 'their' are followed by:

    - a noun in the plural in the cases when they mean: 'each to his own'.

    ex : For the test on Friday, don't forget to bring your dictionaries! You won't be allowed to share.  

    -  a noun in the singular in the cases when they indicate an object used in common.

    ex : I'll drive you back to our house.

    4)  Possessive adjectives are placed in front of body parts and clothes, in English, where correct French demands a definite article.

    ex : While he was riding, he fell on his head and is now suffering from a concussion. 

    II) Possessive pronouns:

    As they replace the noun, they have the same grammatical function. 

    Mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs. 

    ex : This isn't my car! Mine is blue, not grey! 
    ex : I've left my pen at home; can you lend me yours?


    In their place...                                                    Our story, up to now... 

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    1) Is this phone, Dad's or ? They all look the same... phone case is red, is white, Dad's is black and Mom's is red too... That's why I've put that sticker to make a difference between i- phone and .
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