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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #109455: Who - What - Which

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    Who - What - Which

     Interrogative words : WHO, WHAT, WHICH ? (1)

    Interrogative words or groups of words can be either pronouns ( = replace nouns and are placed before verbs) or adjectives (= be placed before a noun). They can either be subjects ou complements. These words introduced 'open' questions (which require a  ‘developed answer', and not only a ‘yes ‘ or ‘no' question.)


    1) WHO ?  is used for a person. 

    eg. : Who is that wonderful girl ? (Here, 'who' is the subject of the verb.)

    eg. : Who are you helping ?  (Here, 'who' is  a complement ot the verb ‘help', ‘you' is the subject.)


    2) WHAT ?  is used for an object, a thing. WHAT expresses a choice among many objects.

    eg. : What trees grow in this part of the world? (interrogative adjective which is a subject)

    eg. : What are you looking for? ( = interrogative pronoun which is a complement ; 'you' = subject of the verb : 'look for'.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

    3) WHICH ? ; is used for an object too, but then, the choice is limited.

    eg. : Which  fruit is yours? The apple, or the peach? ( interrogative pronoun, which is a subject)

    eg. : Which hand do you use? ( interrogative adjective, which is a complement.)


    4) When should you USE AN AUXILIARY? 

    -> if
     the interrogative word is a complement .

    eg. : Who did you meet when you were in Paris? ( who = complement => necessity of an auxiliary.)

    -> if the interrogative word is the subject of the sentence:

    eg. : Who will go to the stadium with me?

    BUT NOT when the auxiliary is DO / DOES / DID:

    ex. : Who gave you this cake? 
     (no auxiliary DID)

    Well! It's time to do the test! Good luck!  

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    1) ? Gulliver's Travels or Treasure Island?

    2) to watch? Nadal or Federer?

    3) exactly? To stay alone or to come with us?

    4) to wear? The blue one or the red one?

    5) ?I couldn't hear you...

    6) to Tim's birthday party? All his pals...

    7) yesterday afternoon? Saint Katharine's Dock! I love that place...

    8) me to do? Nothing special... Just be here!

    9)' my porridge?' the little bear asked angrily...

    10) playing in Roland Garros? Most of the great players!

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Who - What - Which
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