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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #109481: Remember or remind

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    Remember or remind

    Remember  and remind  have  different meanings..


    A  When you remember something, you recall it to your mind.

    Remember (used  transitively) can be followed by an object. It  can also be followed by an infinitive,  a that-clause, or  when, what, why.

    Remember is followed by a gerund when you are recalling something you've done in the past.

    I remember yesterday.

    As far as I can remember.

    Remember who you are, my dear.

    Remember to send the email, please.

    Remember that I have always loved you.

    I remembered seeing Tom Cruise in Venice a few years ago.


     B When you remind someone of/about something/someone or remind someone + 'to' infinitive + something, you recall something (or someone) to their mind. You make them remember.

    Remind can be followed by an infinitive, a that-clause,  noun or a pronoun followed by of.

    Please remind me to buy the tickets. I'm so forgetful.

    I want to remind you that you are a grown-up. 

    Sheila reminds me of a famous Italian actress whom I saw in London.

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    English exercise "Remember or remind" created by carlabice47 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from carlabice47]
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    1. You certainly that day in November when we met.

    2. Please me to pay the electricity bill, I'm so forgetful!

    3. Every time John opens his mouth, he me of his Dad.

    4. My grannie always me of my duties.

    5. I that she used to be a gorgeous girl when she was a teenager.

    6. They will always meeting the Queen in London.

    7. Behave yourself and who you are!

    8. Always to lock the car after parking it.

    9. How sad it is to the good times when you are in distress.

    10. Do you putting my spectacles somewhere? I can't find them!

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Remember or remind
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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