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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #109513: Expressing time: by... , by the time..., once...

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    Expressing time: by... , by the time..., once...

    1) BY : may express a deadline, whether it is a ‘date or a time limit'.


    ex: Yes! You may go out, provided you're back by 10.00pm

    ex: Tell me by tomorrow.

    ex: Your project must be finished by next Saturday! 


    2) BY  THE TIME + clause = ‘before the limit', ‘when...', ‘before' ... ; an action happened before another one, the latest possible moment is the moment when this other action is happening.

    ex: By the time he got to the top, he was exhausted ! 

    ex: By the time he arrived , his brother had already left. 


    3) ONCE  is a conjunction meaning ‘as soon as' or ‘after',  or if ever.

    ex: Once I've picked Megan up, I'll call you.

    ex: You'll pay for it once you've received it. 


    Shall and will cannot be used in a subordinate clause introduced by once.

    ex : Once I pass all my exams, I'll be fully qualified.


     The main Subordinate conjunctions  are:  after, (al)though, as, before, if, if ever, since, that, until, when, whereas, while, once, so, as soon as, provided that.

    They can NEVER be followed by a future or a conditional. 




    Ready for the test?  I'm sure you are... Go for it!  


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    1. Susie, don't forget your room must be tidied up 5.

    2. Yes, I promise, I'll give you my tablet I've bought my new one.

    3. We'll sign the purchase of this house, all the necessary papers are available.

    4. I'll have finished sewing this wonderful dress she gets there for the rehearsal.

    5. I'll have the money Christmas, but won't be able to give it back before the New Year.

    6. His health is so critical that he'll be dead you receive this letter.

    7. Well, I awfully need my computer... Could it be repaired next week, please?

    8. He'll call you 6 at the latest, but you'll have to pick up the phone very quickly.

    9. Listen Mike! I can go to your party! Well! I'll have to be home 11, but it's better than nothing!

    10. Don't forget, Cinderella! twelve, your wonderful carriage will turn back into a pumpkin, and your servants will be rats again...

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Expressing time: by... , by the time..., once...
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Adverbs | Speaking | Conjunctions | All our lessons and exercises