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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #109908: Gender Role

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    Gender Role


    Evolution- a gradual process of change and development

    Paternity leave- time that the father of a new baby is allowed to have away from work

    House husband- a man who stays at home and cleans the house, takes care of the children, etc. while his partner goes out to work

    Merit- the quality of being good and deserving praise

    Compel- to force someone to do something

    Domestic- relating to the home, house or family

    Breadwinner- the member of a family who earns the money that the family needs

    Household- a group of people, often a family, who live together


    Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.


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    English exercise "Gender Role" created by rkjs58 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from rkjs58]
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    1. In the 21st century there has been a development all over the world.

    2. Also, in recent years, movements have made great progress.

    3. It has resulted in the of a family role.

    4. It is now socially for a man to stay at home and take care of his children.

    5. The words “paternity leave” and “” have become common.

    6. Females today are equally educated and as males.

    7. Career success depends not on the gender but on individual .

    8. The rising cost of living too has both the partners to earn.

    9. Many women continue to work during and after .

    10. In some family both the partners are equally sharing the parental and responsibilities.

    11. Women are the primary in many households.

    12. We are moving today from gender based economy to based economy.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Gender Role
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Speaking | Family | Find the word | All our lessons and exercises