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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #109925: Tricky plurals

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    Tricky plurals

     In English there are a few “tricky”  plurals.


    1   Some nouns  ending in “S” need a verb in the  singular

             E.g.  Is the news good?

         Some  of these  nouns  refer to disciplines ( mathematics, physics, logistics, politics, computer  studies, etc),

         others to diseases  ( the mumps, the measles).


    2   Some  collective  nouns have  singular  forms  but  are followed by plural  verbs.

         This means  they have singular forms but a  plural connotation . For  example: police, people, cattle.

          E.g.  People were queueing  up  in front  of  the ticket office   


     3 Others are the  same  both in the singular and in  the plural . Here are  a  few: deer , sheep, aircraft,  sheep , moose.  




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    English exercise "Tricky plurals" created by carlabice47 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from carlabice47]
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    1. If politics considered the art of looking for trouble, politicians are troublemakers!

    2. The police driving to the crime scene with sirens wailing.

    3. Three deer grazing the grass and eating my leftovers right beneath my window.

    4. Measles a very dangerous, extremely contagious disease especially for adults as complications are very common.

    5. What the news ? Good or bad ?

    6. On that farm in California cattle only grass-fed.

    7. Many light aircraft used to carry tourists from and to Margarita Island.

    8. How many fish there in your basket?

    9. Physics my favourite subject : it is a branch of scientific studies which implies analysis and laboratory observation.

    10. In grammar schools, the sheep separated from the goats : in fact only the more brilliant go on to university.

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