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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #110684: Yes/ No/ So do I/ Neither do I: Short answers.

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    Yes/ No/ So do I/ Neither do I: Short answers.

    1) In spoken English, 'yes' et 'no' are very often accompanied by a short answer. How can we do that? 

    You simply have to add an auxiliary in the answer (the auxiliary used by the speakerin the affirmative form or the negative one according to the form used in the preceding clause):  be/have/had/will/would/ can/ could/ and other modal auxiliaries).

    - "He's lazy !"  "Yes, he is..."

    - "Will you come?"  "No, I won't!" 


      to haveHave may be either an auxilairy (and be repeated in the answer), or a simple verb (and need an auxiliary ("do/does/did") in the answer. 

     - "She's got a car (she has got a car: have = an auxiliary) and so have I".

    but: - "You have three kids, and so does she".

    Concerning the other verbs, if the main clause has no auxiliary, do/does/did must be used.

    - "I think she wants to go out tonight." Oh yes, she does ( no, she doesn't!) 

    - "You stayed with her last May! Yes, I did! ( no, I didn't) "


    2) So do I. = SO + Auxiliary + Subject. In affirmative sentences = The tag repeats the auxiliary used in the first part of the sentence. 

    - "I love chocolate ice cream, but I prefer vanilla!"  "So do I". 

    -  "He explained that he loved English and so did his brother." 




    3) Neither do I. = NEITHER/NOR + Auxiliary + Subject. In negative sentences: we must use the same auxiliary too. 

    It is also correct to use: Subject + auxiliary + NOT EITHER. 

    -   I" won't take my bathing suit tomorrow! Neither will my sister. ( My sister won't either.)" 

    -   "He can't explain this exercise to you and neither can I.( and I can't either.)"



    Well well!   Now, you can go for the test! Good luck! 

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    1 . 'Susie, do you really want to go to the swimming pool now?' 'Oh yes, , Mom! Can you come with me?' ' No, I'm sorry, and Lily . But, don't worry, I'll drop you there with my car and I'll drop Pam too.'

    2 . Mom, can I invite Paul and Tom to my party? Yes, , but you can't invite Patrick and you .

    3 . I really like hiking and , but he doesn't like mountain climbing and .

    4 . We have often flown and , but we had never left Europe and .

    5 . They have never lied to me, .



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    Other English exercises on the same topics : Agreement/Disagreement:Both, so do I, neither do I | Speaking | Idioms | All our lessons and exercises