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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #111226: Take, Look, Get + particles

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    Take, Look, Get + particles

    Verbs are like "men"... Some are generous, "available", "helpful".   You just have to add one or another particle (or preposition) to them and suddenly, they give you "new and often varied meanings". Most of the times, they are used in "standard English" or have equivalents in more formal and written language. It's important to know the most common ones so as to make sure you can understand and communicate totally and genuinely. 






      To take after  resemble  - He really takes after his father. 
      to take apart  disassemble - Tom is taking apart his model plane. 
      to take away  remove - Will you eat your cheese burger here, or take it away?
      to take down


      write down

     - The scaffolding is finally taken down.

     - Don't forget to take down notes during the lecture.

      to take in  understand - This lesson is very difficult to take in. 
      to take off  leave the ground - Your plane will take off in about an hour. 
      to take on



     - Our boss took on more than he expected at first in the project.
      to take out

      go out

      cause to suffer 

     - My parents took us out for their anniversary.

     - Don't take your anger on me... I'm not responsible.

      to take over

      take responsibility for,

     - The dictator took over his country after his coup. 
      to take to +ing   start doing  - He took to drinking after his divorce...
      to take  up  occupy space, or one's time

     - I'm very taken up by my work, just now... I have no leisure-time...  

      to take   



     - I'll take you through the process once again; then, you'll do it alone.






     To look after to take care of
     - Can you look after the baby while I'm at the doctor's? 
     To look for try to find - I can't find my glasses... Can you help me to look for them, please? 
     To look forward to + ing

     to expect impatiently

     - He's looking forward to going back to his country and his friends.
     To look down (on)  scorn, despise - Looking down on your co-workers isn't a correct attitude! 
     To look back

     review past events 

     - I'd rather think about the future than look back on the past and be nostalgic! 

      To look like/alike be similar to  - He looks like his father. Besides, his twin-sisters really look alike.
     To look out be careful
     - You must look out where you put your feet when walking here... 
     To look through leaf through
     - I didn't read that book... I simply looked through it and was quite interested.
     To look to  take care of 
     pay attention to 
     - Young kids look to their parents for protection and advice. 
     To look up (to)
     show respect to

     - A few heroes are important as role models. They should be looked up to.





      To get across make sb understand sth - It was difficult for her to get her point across to her students, but they finally understood.
       To get along (with)

     - go away

     - be on good terms

     - We should be getting along now, or we'll be late.

     - I'm happy to notice that you get along nicely with your sisters, now! 


       To get away leave, run away   - Her only desire was to get away from that hell... 
       To get by survive, manage to live  - He had lots of ideas and could get by quite easily.
       To get  down to start doing, consider - He'll only get down to his work when he's really motivated!
       To get over overcome, recover   - You'll have to get over this break up. You will, with time...
       To get up to becoming to be stupid  - What are you getting up to? Nonsense, as usual...
    To get through to someone

     - speak on the phone

     - convince

     - I couldn't get through to her. I'll have to try again tomorrow. 


    A lot of THANKS  to these "generous" verbs...  Yet, let's "blame" them a little, only usage and learning will make you able to use them properly! Then, be courageous !  

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    English exercise "Take, Look, Get + particles" created by here4u with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from here4u]
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    1. If you have no babysitter next week, I'll your kids when you're away.

    2. My brother when you showed him how good you were.

    3. She's irritating... She's always the people she's facing.

    4. Please, leave your file. Then, a secretary will and will give you a number.

    5. It will be long for her to this terrible shock. It's a real trauma.

    6. I've the instructions for use carefully, but the requested information isn't given there.

    7. Don't imagine you can cheat and it... You'll be punished as you deserve.

    8. I'd lost my chequebook and thought I had it everywhere, but I had simply changed bags and had left it in my blue one!

    9. It's some good work you're doing... Get on with it and you'll succeed...

    10. He's really back to his country though he has a lot of work to do over here.



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