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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #111525: Here or There/ This or That/ Now or Then

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    Here or There/ This or That/ Now or Then

    In this lesson, I'll try to clarify the use of some "varied little words" that you don't really know when, where and what to use with...   

    1) HERE = an adverb of place expressing the proximity of the person who's speaking. 
        THERE = an adverb of place expressing the remoteness in relation to the person who's speaking.
    - Would you come here, please? I need your help! 
    - No, I don't like this dish. I'd prefer the other one over there

    2) THIS => THESE = demonstrative adjectives ( this + noun in the singular) ; (these + noun in the plural)  express  proximity.

        THAT=> THOSE = demonstrative adjectives ( that + noun in the singular) ; (those + noun in the plural) express remoteness. 

    - I'll lend you this book ( these books) till tomorrow. 
    - No, I don't want you to go out with that boy... or with those ones either...

    3) NOW expresses temporal proximity. (the present or the near future).

        THEN expresses  temporal remoteness. (the pasts)

    - Now that you've arrived, let's talk about our problem. 

    -  He took her there, and then, he brought her home. 




                                   PROXIMITY                                      REMOTENESS 
          IN    SPACE

     HEREplace where a person who's speaking is situated.

     - Is your mother here? Yes, she has just arrived! 


     THERE : remote place from the person who's speaking

     - Look over there... You'll see my house in the distance.


         IN   TIME

     NOW : =  present tense or near future.

     - He's cured now and may resume his classes.  


     THEN / ONCE :  past tenses

     - The plane landed and then, we went through the customs. 


     THIS= demonstrative adjective + object in the singular  situated near the person  who's speaking.

     THESE= demonstrative adjective + object in the plural situated near the person  who's speaking.

     =  near objects.

     - If you give me this book, you can take all these images.


     THATThat = demonstrative adjective + remote object in the singular.

     - I can't reach that photo. Can you give it to me, please? 

     THOSE  Those = demonstrative adjective + remote object in the plural.

     - Look at those birds in the distance! I can't say what they are! 





     THIS = acceptation (positive judgement, interest).

    - Oh, yes, of course! I agree with this! 


     THAT: Rejection, (negative judgement), derogatory judgement.

     - I don't want you to go out with that boy!

    Well, well! This is it!  You're now ready to face the test! It's quite easy, but a bit long... Do not hesitate to stop in the process and save your answers... Good luck!  


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    1. Please, come , sit down, listen… and I’ll help you!
    2. “I saw you hanging around with Kevin! You know your Dad doesn’t like boy! “
    3. I’ve been waiting for you since 5 o’clock.
    4. Come and have a look at photos with me…
    5. He remembers when he was a kid and lived on a farm… were the days!
    6. is a wonderful party! I’m having a great time…
    7. What did you think of series you saw last week, as for me, I hated it.
    8. book on the desk is mine… Yours is , near the kitchen window. Go and fetch it.
    9. Hurry up, Lily! Get dressed quickly… Put on nice blue sweater and black jeans !
    10. Do you like living in country? Yes, I do, but when I have enough money, I’ll go back , to my country.
    11. Do you remember people we met in 2000? No, I didn’t meet them… I wasn’t living with you .
    12. I was born in England and lived for ten years, but , I live in France…



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