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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #112316: Aviation and meteorology
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    Aviation and meteorology

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    English exercise "Aviation and meteorology" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. It is dangerous to fly into .

    2. In heavy rains and turbulence the pilot has to switch on the .

    3. A very dangerous hazard for aviation is called .

    4. The weather radar help pilots to detect thunderstorms. When there is one on your route you must a minimum of 20 NM.

    5. The maximum for landing is 10kt.

    6. If you fly into you should extinguish all your engines.

    7. In approach with in the vicinity of the airport, you make an automatic landing.

    8. On the runway, aircraft will brake using the system.

    9. In clouds with a cold temperature the crew turn on the system.

    10. Solar eruptions can affect the instruments

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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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