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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #112548: As - So

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    As - So


    1. In order to compare quantities, use: AS + adjective + AS ... / NOT SO + adjective + AS ...

    a) This structure is the comparative (of equality) used for all adjectives, both short AND long)    = AS + adjective + AS..

    - Exercise A is as easy as B,  and as difficult as exercise C. 

    b) It can also be the comparative of inequality: NOT AS / SO + adjective AS ... (still used both for short AND long adjectives.)

    - Pamela isn't as/so intelligent as her older sister but she's as hard-working as she is! 

    c) When SO is an adverb, you must use it while you exclaim, to express an important intensity or quantity  in front of an adjective ( , if the adjective is followed by a noun, SUCH must then be used).

    - Looking at this is so amusing and so pleasant! 

     BEWARE  : if you really want to use SO  followed by a noun in an exclamative clause, be careful of the word order.

    - This is so pleasant a sight!  SO + adjective + indefinite article ( in the singular) + noun + !

    This construction is very formal and used only when writing! 


    2. In order to express a consequence : so  is used, especially at the beginning of clauses, and AS is used to express a cause: 

    - The rain stopped, so we decided to go for a walk. 

    -  As she was so unpleasant, I decided not to take her with me...


    3. SO is used after such verbs as: to think, to believe, to suppose, to expect, to hope, to say and to tell + I'm afraid, in order to form elliptic propositions (or clauses) in the affirmative form.

    - She'll come to help me; at least, I hope so! (= I hope she will come!) 


    4.  SO THAT, SO AS TO express an aim, or a purpose: = SO AS NOT TO...

    - I will keep quiet so as not to disturb the students who are working here. 


    5. A few expressions:

    So to speak = if I may say so...

    And so on /and so forth = etc.

    A month or so = about a month... 

    So far = up to now, to that moment... 

    So long = see you soon




    Well well! Now, you're going to go egg-hunting with Lucy... She loves chocolate, and I'm sure you do too. Good luck to all of you! 

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    Lucy's egg-hunt.

    There were two huge pens: one for toddlers under 3 and one for big boys and girls from 3 to 6... Both places were attractive, because there were giant plush characters running about in each one: a red rabbit with ears my arms, but not quite Kevin's, and a huge hen, looking , with what appeared to be four legs... The big hen was weird, looking like a monster, a cute one, , I stopped to examine it... Dad told me that a man was hidden under the plush feathers show his legs and sneakers and look as if the hen were hatching her egg...
    In the meantime, I had already picked up several eggs and bunnies from the hay. It was funny and it promised to be delicious... I wasn't running Kevin, a very big boy, but quite efficiently as Claire, my friend.
    Suddenly, the rabbits and hens were throwing they could to satisfy the greedy pickers, I received a blow on my head and stopped, stunned and screaming.
    A red mark, a 10 p coin, but a 50p one showed on my forehead. I was in tears, because of the pain as because of the surprise and vexation... The big white rabbit ran to me, rubbed my forehead a little, and gave me a whole fistful of eggs comfort me. All the kids were around me and comforted me too... I was 'the Queen of the pen', the white rabbit said, and my parents said , too!


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