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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #112875: Ways of Dressing

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    Ways of Dressing

    Ways  of dressing   (adjectives)

    Lots  of  adjectives  define the  different  ways  people  dress. Here  are a  few  adjectives . Some are synonyms  but with  slight  differences in  meaning.

    Trendy = in fashion,  in  style

    Swanky=  exclusive/  very expensive ,  meant  to attract  people's  attention

    Classy = elegant  but  not necessarily  in the  latest   fashion

    Chichi =  showy, frilly,  overdressed

    Nifty=  stylish  in  an attractive  way

    Modish = elegant  in  a very modern  way

    Ritzy =  fashionable  in an ostentatious  way ( in order  to impress)

    Jazzy =  colourful

    Grungy = shabby,   disorderly and  dirty- looking

    Frumpy  = (said about old ladies )  old-fashioned  


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    English exercise "Ways of Dressing" created by carlabice47 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from carlabice47]
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    Click on letters between brackets to build correct words. Click on the box to start again. A tip in the grey box.

    1. “ ( )   [n...] fifty” : a simple elegant wardrobe for ladies to wear when in their fifties !

    2. His clothes are funny: he always wears ( )   [j...] t-shirts, trousers, and shoes!

    3. In spite of her ( )   [f...] clothes the Scottish lady who won the talent show has great appeal on the public.

    4. The actress used to wear ( )   [r...] designer's clothes to show off her wealth.

    5. She's very peculiar, wears heavy make-up and ( )   [c...] flouncing blouses which do not fit her age.

    6. She always impressed people with her manners and ( )   [s...] clothing.

    7. Filippo is the quintessence of the Italian ( )   [t...] guy minding even the tiniest detail in his outfits.

    8. Look at Pete : ( )   [g...], worn out jeans, flip-flops and unkempt hair: what a sight !

    9. Look at her ( )   [m...] footwear: she buys all her shoes in Italy.

    10. Lady Bracknell is every inch a lady : ( )   [c...], haughty,and refined !

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Ways of Dressing
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Adjectives | Making portraits, describing | Find the word | Introducing someone | Clothes | All our lessons and exercises