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Ways of Dressing
Ways of dressing (adjectives)
Lots of adjectives define the different ways people dress. Here are a few adjectives . Some are synonyms but with slight differences in meaning.
Trendy = in fashion, in style
Swanky= exclusive/ very expensive , meant to attract people's attention
Classy = elegant but not necessarily in the latest fashion
Chichi = showy, frilly, overdressed
Nifty= stylish in an attractive way
Modish = elegant in a very modern way
Ritzy = fashionable in an ostentatious way ( in order to impress)
Jazzy = colourful
Grungy = shabby, disorderly and dirty- looking
Frumpy = (said about old ladies ) old-fashioned

English exercise "Ways of Dressing" created by carlabice47 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from carlabice47]
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