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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #113157: Direct or Indirect Clauses

    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Speaking | Direct/Indirect speech | Idioms [Change theme]
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    Direct or Indirect Clauses



    I. In a DIRECT INTERROGATIVE CLAUSE (questions), you must very careful about the word order:

    1. In sentences using the auxiliaries TO BE / TO HAVE (GOT), and modal auxiliaries:

     you just have to do the subject/ verb inversion: Interrogative word+ Auxiliary+ subject+ verb + ?

    - Were you strong enough to carry this box? (Auxiliary TO BE + subject + V ?)

    - Can he lift this heavy box? (Modal auxiliary + subject + verbal root ?)


    2. Sentences using the auxiliaries DO/DOES/DID : they must follow this pattern:

    - Auxiliary + subject + verbal base +...?

    - Does he know this woman?

    - Did you finally meet my friend yesterday ?




    1. They are introduced by some varied expressions:

    - he asked me if/whether...; she wondered...; I'd like to know if/ whether...; I don't know...; I'm not sure... .

    Those expressions are followed by an interrogative clause introduced by WHAT, WHO, WHICH, WHEN, WHERE, HOW, WHETHER... 

        2. BEWARE:  the word order must change. This is fundamental. There is NO subject-verb inversion:

    - She wanted to know who these people were.(= Interrogative word + subject + verb).  She had never seen them.

    - Could you tell me what time it is, please? (= Modal auxiliary + subject + verbal base)

    BEWARE: there is NO question mark at the end of an indirect interrogative clause. (In the example above, the sentence has a question mark because of the direct interrogative question "Could you...?")

        3. In indirect interrogative clauses, the condition can be expressed by "if" or rather by "whether" if it is followed by "OR". 

    - I wonder whether he'll show up at the party, or not. 



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    1. “Mom, I really wonder what for my birthday party.

    2. Do you think an individual “Scavenger Hunt” or a team one?

    3. I don’t know whether good suggestions for me.'
    “I beg your pardon, Lucy… a team hunt?

    4. How many friends to invite?

    5. I suppose you know what …”

    6. Oh yes, I do, Mom, don’t worry… alright?'

    7. 'Lucy … me? I said eight at most…'

    8. 'Alright, alright… let’s say eight friends, then. Please, tell me that the invitations... please, Mom…'

    9. 'Of course, . They’re ready to be given. But your Dad has had a great idea!

    10. You should know that to help you organize a pastry workshop with your friends!'

    11. 'What Mom?

    12. for us?

    13. my birthday cake?

    14. Of course not! We’ll help all of you make little cakes to take home! a good idea?
    'Awesome, Mom! I love you!'




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