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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #113345: Adverbs of manner

    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Adverbs | Speaking [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Adverbs of frequency - Vocabulary: greeting people - Vocabulary: on the phone - On the phone - Adjectives and adverbs - Interacting with someone - Adverbs of frequency - Dialogue : What time...?
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    Adverbs of manner

    Adverbs of manner. A few examples :
    Sallywalksslowly    Alfredplaysthe guitarbeautifully
    My grandfatherspeakssoftly   Shereadthe letterquickly
    How does Sally walk? She walks slowly.

    How does Alfred play the guitar? He plays the guitar


    How does my grandfather speak? He speaks softly.

       How did she read the letter? She read it


    How to build them
    A- Add the suffix: -ly
    loudloudlyThe dog barks loudly.
    carefulcarefullyMy sister drives carefully.
    slowslowlyThe tortoise moves slowly.
    quickquicklyHe agreed to phone him quickly.
    fluentfluently They speak English fluently.
    skillfulskillfullyCristiano plays football skillfully.
    seriousseriouslyThis boy is  seriously mad.


    B- When the adjective ends in -y, use -ily
    angryangrilyLinda slammed the door angrily.
    happyhappilyMy little brother always goes to school happily.
    easyeasilyCatherine answered all the questions easily.
    crazycrazilyThe baby was crying crazily.

    C- Adjectives ending in -le : remove the "e"
    gentlegentlyThe mother holds the baby gently.
    terribleterriblyThe new singer sang terribly.
    horriblehorriblyThe two young men behaved horribly.

    D- Irregular
    hard   hardHe kicked him very hard.
    goodwellPeter and Ann play the guitar very well.
    fastfastJames can drive very fast.
    latelateI often sleep late.
    straightstraightChildren must go straight home.
    highhighThe balloon flew high in the sky.


    Where to put them:
    At the beginning of the sentenceIn the middle of the sentence At the end of the sentence
    Slowly, the students left the classroom. The football player was seriously injured.    My father looked at me angrily.             
    Angrily, the headmaster slammed the door. They are laughing loudly at the joke.
    The train arrived late.
    Generously, the lady gave the poor man some money.Ann was smiling happily at her friends. I miss my colleagues terribly.
    Fortunately, nobody was killed during the battle.  I am trying hard to fix the problem. She passed the English test easily.

    Please note:

    1- A few adverbs can be put before the verb.
    Alfred quickly finished his test.



    2- badly, hard, well, fast are always after the verb.
    This boy
    fast walks.  Wrong

                            This boy walks fast. Correct
    3-You can't put an adverb between a verb and an object.
    They read carefully the noticeWrong  

    They carefully read the notice. Correct |They read the notice carefully. Correct

    Exercise :
    Choose the correct adverb.

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    English exercise "Adverbs of manner" created by matrixhamdi with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from matrixhamdi]
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      Nadal is a good tennis player. He plays tennis .      


          Read  the questions before answering them.          


          'Could you lend me some money, please?' she asked .


                  My grandfather always listens to the radio .              


    , the suspect pulled out his handgun and started shooting.

          The soldiers  followed their general. 


                        Nadia speaks Russian .          


    I go to school.

              , the thief  tried to steal the wallet.        


                    'Can I help you?' he insisted .             

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Adverbs of manner
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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