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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #113926: Computer vocabulary
    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Idioms | The Internet | Find the word [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Computers-vocabulary - Recent technology - Computer problems - Computer terms - Computers : Vocabulary - Professional emails - Computer and you - Professional emails
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    Computer vocabulary


    To download  + object : to transfer (software,data) from a search engine or a  computer to another computer, or from a computer to other devices ( memory  stick etc. )

    To   hook up  to  a wifi  connection : to connect to wifi

    To   log on  to  (  Facebook/ Skype):  to   connect  to  ( using a  nickname and a  password)

    To   access  Facebook: to connect to Facebook 

    To  scroll  through : to  scroll  through a  text on a computer screen, moving  the  text  up or down  to find the necessary information  .

    To  google ( G  with  lower case) :  to search on the Internet  with the Google search engine

    To  post  a   video/ message/ photo to Skype : to send a  video /  message/ photo  through Skype

    To  browse / to surf  the Internet  ( also  written  with a  lower  case) : to  navigate (at  random)  on the Internet

    To  search  the  Internet : to look for a piece of  information through the internet

    To click  on a  link : to carry  out  a  computer operation  by  pressing a  button on  the keyboard 

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    English exercise "Computer vocabulary" created by carlabice47 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from carlabice47]
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    Click on letters between brackets to build correct words. Click on the box to start again. A tip in the grey box.

    1. I had to ( )   [s...] through to the end of the document to find the information I needed.

    2. To effectively ( )   [s...] the Internet, you have to pose your question as precisely as possible.

    3. If you ( )   [g...] your symptoms you can find a diagnosis but this may be a risky procedure.

    4. In order to find old friends, you have to ( )   [a...] Facebook and put their names in the find friends bar.

    5. If you want to chat with friends, you can ( )   [l...] in to Skype and speak with them provided they're on line.

    6. Is it possible to ( )   [d...] a video from You-tube ?

    7. To ( )   [s...] the Internet at random can be very dangerous, especially for children.

    8. To know more about this topic, ( )   [c...] on the link above.

    9. In many hotel rooms I find it difficult to ( )   [h...] up to wifi connections.

    10. To ( )   [p...] a message on Skype you only have to put your message where it says: Your message here.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Computer vocabulary
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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