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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #114615: July 4th Barbecue

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    July 4th Barbecue

    This quiz has some irregular verbs. Most of this takes place in the past, so keep that in mind as you think of what to answer.
    Good luck!

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    English exercise "July 4th Barbecue" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. Two years ago, I (go) to my friend's house on July 4th.

    2. His family was (host) a barbecue.

    3. We (eat) cheeseburgers and hot dogs.

    4. The family had even (set up) a water slide.

    5. I (meet) my friend's two brothers, and his cousin.

    6. In the US, July 4th is (celebrate) because that's when the Declaration of Independence was signed.

    7. I have (watch) many firework displays on July 4th, over the years.

    8. Once, I even (see) them near a lake.

    9. At that barbecue two years ago, we watched the fireworks (explode) after our meal.

    10. Many guests had (bring) their children to the July 4th barbecue that day.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: July 4th Barbecue
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Tales | Find the word | Find the correct tense | USA | All our lessons and exercises