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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #116806: Difference between In and On

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    Difference between In and On

    Difference between "IN" and "ON".


    Prepositions are one of the most disliked parts of speech. Many experienced writers are uncomfortable with them.

    When you start learning English, you should try to identify a preposition when reading or listening and recognize its usage.

    More often than not, either IN or ON can be grammatically correct. It entirely depends on what you really mean in your statements.

    A preposition is used to show direction, location, time, or to introduce an object.


    Used to express a surface of something.

    -I put my pen on the table, who took it?

    -The doctor's referral is on the table.

    Used to specify days and dates.

    -She was born on the thirteenth of February.

    -The garbage is collected on Fridays only.

    Used to indicate a device or machine, such as a phone, or a computer.

    -My sister is always on the phone for hours.

    -My brother can stay on the computer all day long.

    -They will watch my mother's favourite movie on television tonight.

    Used to indicate a part of the body.

    -He threw a rock and it hit me on the head.

    -My father always wears his wedding ring on his finger.

    Used to indicate the state of something.

    -The building has been on fire since this morning.

    -Many old houses on the river's edge are for sale.



    Used for unspecific time during a day, month, season, year.

    -We always have breakfast together in the morning.

    -The new school term will start in March.

    -In summer it often rains for days on end.

    Used to indicate a location or place.

    -She looked him angrily in the eyes.

    -The old man is temporarily living in a tent.

    -My hometown is Tea Gardens in the state of NSW.

    Used to indicate a shape, colour, or size.

    -People waiting for the bus stood in a long line.

    -At his funeral, his friends held hands in a circle and prayed.

    -The primary colour in this painting is yellow.

    Used to express while doing something.

    -In preparing for the final report, they revised the tone a number of times.

    -A catch phrase needs to be impressive in marketting a product.

    Used to indicate a belief, opinion, interest, or feeling.

    -I strongly believe in love and not war.

    -I have never been interested in any kind of gambling. 


    I sincerely hope this course helps.


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    English exercise "Difference between In and On" created by leopold with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from leopold]
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    1. We live the countryside during the summer months.

    2. The natives of the village greeted us our arrival.

    3. She is a great lady and this party is her honour.

    4. The doctor is not today, he is on a holiday for a week.

    5. The news we received today is good authority.

    6. He went an errand and never returned for years.

    7. church we kneel down to pray and we don't talk loudly.

    8. I am the committee considering new members for our club.

    9. The walls of this old house have not been painted years.

    10. I couldn't see my keys yet, they were the table all the time.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Difference between In and On
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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