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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #118342: Like or As

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: AS or LIKE [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Differences between Like and As - As... Like... As if/ as though... - As/ like/ How: Which one to use - Like/to like/likely... - Like-As-and others... - As/ like/ such as - As / like - Like / As
    > Double-click on words you don't understand

    Like or As

    "like" "as" can often be misused.




    I) LIKE

    "like" is used before:

    a) a noun:

    He speaks like his father.

    I eat like a baby.

    b) a pronoun:

    He speaks like him.

    I eat like her.

    c) indefinite pronouns:

    Do you do like that?

    II) AS

    "as" is used before:

    a) another clause:

    As I was late, I took the bus. 

    b) a verb: 

    He dances as his father does. 

    Ruth weeps as Bake sings.

    c) in a comparison:

    He is as fat as his father. 


    He is advising like a father. (He is not a father) 

    He is advising as a father. (He is really a father)


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    English exercise "Like or As" created by costo with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from costo]
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    1. Bob drives a professional driver.

    2. My motorbike is fast as your car.

    3. It is cold outside, it is in Russia.

    4. It is not recommended to drink alcohol you could drink water.

    5. I used to behave a little girl.

    6. The police put Laurane in jail, a thief. But they knew that she was innocent.

    7. My daughter is beautiful, yours is.

    8. If you work that, you will succeed.

    9. My dear son, I will speak to you a mother.

    10. it is raining, you can't go out now. Wait a moment.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Like or As
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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