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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #118445: Subjunctive

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    The English subjunctive

    Often used after these verbs

     to advise, to ask, to command, to demand, to insist, to move, to order, to prefer, to propose, to recommend, to request, to require, to stipulate, to suggest et to urge.

    I) Examples:

    The judge demands that the defendant enter.

    Dad prefers that my sister learn her lessons before eating.





    II) The rule:


    Subject + Verb + That + Subject + infinitive without to


    Mum prefers that my sister finish her homework before lunch.





    III) THAT can often be omitted:


    You should use the infinitive form:


    The judge demands the defendant to enter.

    Dad asked me to learn my lessons before playing.



    IV) The subjunctive after adjectives:


    important, mandatory, necessary, obligatory, proposed, recommended, required, suggested, urgent, imperative...

    The rule:

    it + be (conjugated) + adjective + that + subject + infinitive without to


    It is important that you respect elder people.


    It is recommended that people wear their safety belts while driving.

    V) The subjunctive can be replaced with SHOULD :



    It is necessary that you should respect your parents.

    It is recommended that people should wear their safety belts while driving.






    Complete the sentences.

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    English exercise "Subjunctive" created by costo with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from costo]
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    1. It was necessary that I (to pass) my exam.

    2. My uncle stipulates that I should (to receive) a gift if I passed brilliantly my exam.

    3. The government suggested the farmers (to grow) enough rice.

    4. My mother orders me that I should (to sleep) earlier.

    5. It is very important that she (to go) to the party with you.

    6. The teacher asks that you (to bring) your homework now.

    7. I wish that men (to make) peace throughout the world.

    8. It is recommended that people (to wear) their safety belts while travelling by car.

    9. Mum prefers that my sister (to learn) her lessons before eating.

    10. It is recommended that you (to respect) elder people.

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