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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #118448: Music, my great love
    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Tales | Music [Change theme]
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    Music, my great love

    I discovered my love for music when I was four years old. One day, I was  playing  with my Legos and , suddenly, I heard a sweet sound which caught my attention : electric guitar played a softly,  wonderful riff . Later, when I was nine years old, I discovered the name of this song and the name of the band.


    At the age of ten my mother gave me a great present; the gift box was very big. I was very curious and I opened it. I found an acoustic guitar, so I was very happy!

    When I was fourteen I bought my first long playing record of a great English band. When I was eighteen I loved heavy metal's bands, and I played an electric guitar and drums.

    Now , I am forty-five years old , I love the kind of music such as blues, rock, heavy and black metal , Carmina Burana and more.

    Now , I'm starting to learn how to play the keyboard but it's difficult. Music, my great love.

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    1. I (to discover) my love for music when I was four years old.

    2. I (to hear) a sweet sound.

    3. Someone with an electric guitar (to play) a softly, wonderful riff.

    4. At the age of ten my mother (to give)me a great present.

    5. I (to open) the gift and

    6. to find) an acoustic guitar.

    7. When I was fourteen I (to buy) my first long playing record of a great English band.

    8. When I (to be) eighteen,

    9. I (to love) heavy metal's bands

    10. and I (to play) an electric guitar and drums.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Music, my great love
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Tales | Music | All our lessons and exercises