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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #118726: Phrasal verbs: PUT

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    Phrasal verbs: PUT

    In test, that you'll have to revise if you haven't done it yet, we started studying "PHRASAL VERBS": how they are built and work. In this lesson, et many others that will follow, we'll study the most usual phrasal verbs so that they might become familiar and if possible automatic to you.  



    Today, the lesson will deal with verb  "To PUT", and the main particles which are associated to it: 

    Some particles modifying the meaning of To PUT. 


                  To put across           


                   To put back                 

                       To put off   


                       Put up your hands!                    


                    To put down a book             


                                 To put aside                 

                               To put on                          


                                To put out                        


                            To put up with                       


                         To put down an animal

                       = to put to sleep= to kill


                      To put away                   


                    To put on (weight)                     


               To put in perspective                    


                              To put down               


     To put someone through to someone else          

    Some double meanings:

    - to put down (a book) (a phone)= stop looking at it

    - to put down a dog= to put a dog to sleep= to have your dog put to death (to avoid further suffering) 

    - to put down someone= to humiliate

    - to put up a statue= put up a picture

    - to put someone up= to accommodate someone

    - to put on

    - to put on (weight)

      Be careful! The Direct Object Complement of the phrasal verb may be a pronoun, or a noun, a nominal group.  In these cases, the complement will be either placed between the verb and its particle OR after the phrasal verb. (if the complement is long). On the contrary, if the complement is a pronounit will have to be placed between the verb and its particle. 

    - Will you put down your phone before entering the place. = Will you put your phone down. = Please, I insist. Will you put it down

    A few expressions:

    - to put through hell = to live a very difficult moment

    - to put through the wringer = to be intolerable

    - to put an end to = to finish

    ... and a proverb: 

    - You shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket = Don't invest all your ressources at the same place. 


    Well well! Now, you'll have to make choices... I give you THE FORCE!   


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