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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #119637: Adding information
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    Adding information

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    1. Happy people are healthier, more involved in their community.

    2. It is unreasonable to expect government to revitalise the economy managing people's happiness.

    3. Investing in people's happiness improves their quality of life. , that lowers government spending on health in the long term.

    4. Happy people tend to be more respectful to others, to their city.

    5. If we are happy, we are more active. , we tend to work harder and more effectively.

    6. Government already has too many duties, such as providing health care and law enforcement. , in a capitalist world, people should be responsible for their own happiness.

    7. International organisations use indices that include purchasing power, cost of living, safety as well as to measure a country's happiness.

    8. Many segments of the population need government support to have food and health care. Furthermore, on aspects that only government can regulate, such as safety and pollution.

    9. In addition to , governments have to invest in people's overall quality of life to improve our happiness.

    10. If government successfully strengthens the economy, it makes us wealthier as well as .

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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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