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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #119798: Causative clauses and active form with Have
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: To have someone do something [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - 'Make someone do'/'Have something done': (a little further) - Causative clauses: making someone do something - Make someone do/ Be made to do - Causatives - Causative clauses and passive form with Have - Causative clauses - Causative Form - To talk someone into / out of doing something ...
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    Causative clauses and active form with Have

    Complete the sentences.

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    English exercise "Causative clauses and active form with Have" created by necroboynonoss with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from necroboynonoss]
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    1. My brother opened the window.
    > I had my brother the window.

    2. Tomorrow, Sandra will travel by plane to San Francisco.
    > Tomorrow, Sam will have Sandra by plane to San Francisco.

    3. John had fixed the broken printer before 5:00 pm.
    > The boss had had John the broken printer before 5:00 pm.

    4. Sandra would appreciate her calculator if she could have one.
    > Mum would have Sandra her calculator if she could have one.

    5. The secretary writes letters to other departments.
    > Our head administrator has the secretary letters to other departements.

    6. John is photographing Paris from the Eiffel Tower.
    > Jenny is having John Paris from the Eiffel Tower.

    7. Last week, we ate fish and chips in London.
    > Last week, our friends had us fish and chips in London.

    8. By the end of next month, we will have savoured French fries.
    > By the end of next month, Dad and Mum will have had us French fries.

    9. My mother will cook the birthday’s cake.
    > I will have my mother the birthday’s cake.

    10. John tells a fairy tale to the children.
    > Mum has John a fairy tale to the children.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Causative clauses and active form with Have
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topic : To have someone do something | All our lessons and exercises