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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #120051: Vocabulary: fishing and hunting...

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    Vocabulary: fishing and hunting...

    Some people go fishing and/ or hunting because they find it entertaining. They often consider it's the same as "having a rest" from the daily rat race, and appreciate some quiet time in nature; they like being in close contact with nature, the river, the lakes or the woods and plains.

    Others like bringing back fresh fish or meat, they cook it and eat it with friends; most of the time, they feel really proud of their catch. 

    For others, what's important is the thrill of it: it's like a fight...  Fishing and catching a great number of different species, or a really HUGE fish, perhaps, is a real motivation. Similarly, hunting and tracking down animals is like a challenge to them. Some hunters like the confrontation with the animal and really enjoy it when they win...

    I) FISHING: the activity and the necessary tackle. 

    1) DIFFERENT TYPES OF FISHING- (We won't study industrial fishing) 



                                Fly fishing                                                     Angling                                                              Spoon-fishing

    2) What you need to go fishing... These items are part of a ritual that little boys and girls prepare meticulously and enjoy respecting. 

                          Fishing tackle                                A fishing rod                         A fishing line
                                   A hook                              Bait                           A fishing basket


     To cast *  To bite/ to rise 
     To strike  To catch
     The catch  To land a catch 
     A fishing net                      A fishery officer                 

    * to cast, I cast, cast

    ** to bite, I bit, bitten

    *** To rise, I rose, risen

    **** to catch, I caught, caught


    II) HUNTING: a sport? A passion?  A ritual? 

                                     A hunter                              A game-keeper                        To load a weapon
                                    A rifle                                Cartridges                    A cartridge belt
                              A beat/ a search                      Dog in a hunting bag                       To pull the trigger


     To drive game  To start a rabbit
     Game-bird// big game hunting
     To raise one's rifle  To aim at stg: to take aim at    
     To fire To be a good: bad shot
     To shoot at stg A gamebag 
     To shoot something                             To come home with an empty bag           

     Clay-pigeon shooting          


     To come home empty-handed 



    To poach=> a poacher                                                             A trap                                               Hunting poachers down...

    Stag-hunting - fox hunting -

    In the name of culture and of a "heritage", this type of hunting is going on in a few places in the whole world, and mostly in Europe. 

                                A company going hunting                         The deer is brought to bay


    A very crual and unequal fight ending with death...


    But this time, the horn will not sound to honour a death, but to celebrate your great victory in the test. I give you THE FORCE...


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    1. 'Boys, let’s go and fetch your from the basement. I’ll take mine and we’ll spend a few hours by the river...Tommy, you’ll carry the to put our in it. Let’s hope it’ll be very heavy when we come back home...'

    2. 'Johnny, take care not to prick your fingers with the . You might be badly hurt...'

    3. 'A young boy has disappeared and the people of the village are organizing a through the woods to help the police.'

    4. The hunter had plenty of ... yet he hesitated his weapon at the sight of the coloured pheasant. It was so beautiful.

    5. ' When my father came back home, his was filled with and a hare. Really, he’s a good shot!'

    6. 'To be honest, I can’t stand fishing and hunting, I like shooting but I much prefer hunting. I find it as entertaining and not crual at all.'

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