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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #120080: Vocabulary: I'm hungry

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    Vocabulary: I'm hungry

    "Eating" is one of the activities that takes a lot of time in our lives, together with sleeping and working! Of course, and we'll see it here, you can swallow food like a glutton, or pick at your food like a bird ...



    Yet, eating is not only "feeding oneself".   Very often, it's also a social activity that we share with our loved ones, our families, our friends or colleagues. 




     The food business/ the food trade  foodstuffs 
     To feed (I fed, fed) someone to nourish sb with sth                      
     Well nourished  nourishing 
     Wholesome  unwholesome 
     Light/ heavy  it's off! 
     Digestion/ Indigestion  to have an attack of indigestion        
     To digest=> digestible=> indigestible                                   eatable/ uneatable/ inedible                                                
     Edible/ inedible  to feed oneself on something  
     To subsist  a ration
     Undernourishment malnutrition 
     A vitamin deficiency  hunger 
     To starve to death / to be starving  to die of starvation 



                       VEGETABLES make your stomach HAPPY!                                     Heavy food => indigestion. 


     To eat */ drink ** in moderation                      To eat heartily 
     To have an appetite  To have a healthy/ hearty appetite                             
     To eat like a horse  To be a big eater

     To have a very small appetite /

     To eat like a bird

     To be off one's food 
     To fast  Frugal

    * To eat, I ate, eaten.// ** To drink, I drank, drunk. 



        to eat ravenously                                             To fast                                                   To eat like a horse 


     To be hungry  To be famished 
     To be ravenous   To eat one's fill 
     Greed=> greedy                         Gluttony=> to be gluttonous  
     To be fastidious                                                       To be choosy (BE)/ To be picky (AE)                         



                   To be greedy               To be famished                  Gluttony = a Deadly Sin 

    Ways of eating...

     To bite (into) something    To chew 
     To nibble  To crunch    
     To lick  To swallow      
     It went down the wrong way                                      To eat something up   
     A substantial meal  Filling 
    To make sb's mouth water  To gobble up/ gulp down/ wolf down            
     To gorge oneself up             To stuff oneself with 
     To put away a whole cake!  "I'm full!" 
     To pick/ nibble at one's food It tastes nice/ awful





     Appetizing  Delicious 
     A delicacy                                             To treat oneself to                              
     This is my treat!                  A gourmet 


    I do hope you won't be "full" after learning this lesson, but still starving, or hungry for the following test. I give you the FORCE. 

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    1. 'Oh dear! Stupid me! I’ve put salt instead of sugar in that cake and it is absolutely . I’ll throw it away...'

    2. 'Lucy, we all know that you’d like to chocolate only, but we do insist... You must eat your vegetables!'

    3. Really, the man and was gobbling down the food he was given without tasting it at all...

    4. 'You won’t need to worry! Clara has and won’t eat all that she’ll be given...'

    5. Pat is so that he can eat tens of sweets in a row and still want more...

    6. When there are fries on the menu, Charlie simply with them...

    7. At the end of the meal, when she was offered some more cake, Connie exclaimed : ' No, thank you, ' and everyone laughed...

    8. Lea is a healthy kid. She eats so that it’s a pleasure to invite her for dinner...

    9. As he has so little money, I’m sure Sam can’t everyday!

    10. If you want him to recover quickly, he should only eat food...

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Vocabulary: I'm hungry
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