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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #120690: Elsewhere- Somewhere or Everywhere
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    Elsewhere- Somewhere or Everywhere

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    English exercise "Elsewhere- Somewhere or Everywhere" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. , anytime, no matter how.

    2. Hatred breeds hatred it is sown.

    3. After fifteen years of marriage, some men go .

    4. It is believed that it is always better .

    5. It's been ten years since we go to the beach, so next year we go .

    6. A good restaurant is not found .

    7. To joke, the children have hidden Grandpa's newspaper .

    8. True friends are like diamond, precious and rare. False friends are like autumn leaves, they are .

    9. What is banal is .

    10. My wife, I did not meet her !

    11. When we are bored , we are always tempted to go elsewhere.

    12. What is important can be found .

    13. From one can jump to the sky.

    14. you want Peace, set an example.

    15. The real Parisian does not like Paris, but he can't live .

    16. Wear perfume you want to be kissed!

    17. Since it is said that happiness does not exist on Earth, may the wing of my chimeras be able to lead us .

    18. Indian proverb: Three kinds of people come in : a warrior, a scientist, a woman.

    19. An injustice is a threat to justice around the world.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Elsewhere- Somewhere or Everywhere
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Adverbs | Find the word | All our lessons and exercises