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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #121238: (The) other/ (the) others

    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Adjectives | Pronouns [Change theme]
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    (The) other/ (the) others

    1) ‘OTHER' :  = Indefinite adjective + noun (singular or plural) => like all adjectives, it remains in the singular.

    * 'Other' is used to refer to a person or a thing  which is different from the one already mentioned or known. 

    - Pete and Paul decided to watch their series on TV whereas the other boys went to play football outside.

    * When there are two elements'other' can represent the alternativethe second possibility.

    - He has two kids; one is a teacher, the other one is a doctor.

    *    Used as an adjective, with a number and a noun'other' precedes the number and behaves like an adjective. 

    - There were eight volunteer students to paint the wall, six were girls but the other two were boys.




    2) THE OTHER(S)= INDEFINITE PRONOUN :  (Replaces a noun and takes the characteristics of this noun.): it is preceded by a determiner. It takes the mark of the plural :

    'the other one' = singular => the others/ the other ones = plural

    - Some travellers were watching the video, the others/ the other ones were trying to sleep before the landing! 


    ANOTHER:  Indefinite adjectifve or pronoun , when it's used with an indefinite article'an + other' must be written in one word only = ANOTHER.

    - No, thank you. I don't want this cake... Can you give me another chocolate one, please?

       Please, NEVER write  *** an another...   as I have so often read in students' tests... 




    EVERY OTHER DAY:  'every other...' means 'not each one in a series', but every two' or ‘every second'. 

    Every other day of the week means, for example: on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 


    ON THE ONE HAND, ON THE OTHER HAND...: is an expression which is used when you are comparing two different facts or two opposite ways of thinking about a situation:

    - On the one hand, he's easy-going and pleasant, but on the other hand, he can be so jealous that he's very hard to live with!    




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    English exercise "(The) other/ (the) others" created by here4u with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from here4u]
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    1. 'Lucy, if you don’t tidy up your room now, you’ll have to find to invite your friends for that pyjama party! Too bad!'

    2. 'Alright, I have my ticket to the show, but where are ? You won't be able to see the show without them...'

    3. 'I know, you’re disappointed! This second swimming pool is closed too... Don’t worry, we’ll try again at of the week and we’ll have fun! '

    4. She has her treatment , is exhausted and tries to recover and rest in between.

    5. 'Yes, Mum, I came home with Paul, but stayed at Brenda’s party.'

    6. 'One of my kids took the school bus, but I drove myself after going to the dentist’s with him.'

    7. 'He showed me ten recent photos of her: six colored ones, but were either black and white or sepia. She looks very beautiful...'

    8. 'Of course he could go himself... , it would be more efficient to be represented by a lawyer...'

    9. During the lecture, most students were listening but were talking and laughing... Quite unruly and rude...

    10. ' Don’t worry! Tomorrow, the problem will be solved one way ...'

    End of the free exercise to learn English: (The) other/ (the) others
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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