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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #121398: Vocabulary: Justice

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    Vocabulary: Justice - English lesson

    Justice...  All over the world, citizens are eager for Justice... Its symbol is the Roman Goddess Themis, blindfolded, holding the scales of Justice. 


    The scales represent judgement and fairness, the blindfold represents impartiality and the sword is punishment if people break the law.





     A law/ an act   By law 
     Under French law  A bill
     A regulation      A decree
     To set a precedent   Legal/ lawful 
     Unlawful   A lawyer 
     To consult a lawyer  A solicitor
     To pass a law  To repeal a law   
     To legalize something     To ban/ to prohibit  
     To give a ruling on   The rights of the individual  
     To abide by the law   To break the law 



                    A courthouse     

                           The defendant                       

                       The judge                 

                     Justice is blind 

                     To take an oath                 

     A witness in the box/ at the stand          


               Pieces of evidence     

                               The jury                       

                    The acquittal           


      A case     A trial   
     To take a case to court   A lawsuit  
     To lodge a complaint  To try sb 
     The defendant/ the accused   The plaintiff
     The prosecution   To prosecute  sb 

     To accuse sb of stg

     To charge sb with stg


     The public prosecutor  (GB)  

     The district Attorney  (US)

     The counsel for the defence             The counsel for the prosecution          
      A witness   To hear a witness 
     To give evidence   To be under oath  

     The witness box (GB)

     The witness stand (US)


     Proof of...

     Evidence of...

      A clue  An alibi
     To plead guilty/ not guilty  A cross (examination) 



                       The Jury Room                                                 The jury talking and relaxing between votes 


    No surprise in the following test! Go for it! 


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    1. 'Sorry, Sir, but , you’re not allowed to drive over 130 km an hour on motorways... I’ll have to fine you.'

    2. Before testifying, witnesses are required to . They swear 'to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.'

    3. 'It may take a long time before … You should be very patient, then.'

    4. When you decide to buy a house or a flat in France, a will take care of the red tape for you.

    5. When questioned by the police, the suspect asked for a and refused to say a single word.

    6. The coloured population needed a lot of time and effort before the Segregation Laws were in the south of the United States...

    7. If you , you must be prepared to get fined or imprisoned.

    8. The police failed to gather enough so that the suspect was released.

    9. The accused decided to in order to have a lighter sentence and avoid a trial.

    10. In order to avoid a heavier sentence to his client, the explained that he had spent his youth in orphanages, in terrible conditions.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Vocabulary: Justice
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