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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #121469: How to suggest

    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Idioms | Family | Suggesting [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Vocabulary: Family life - Making suggestions - My close family - Dialogue : Having a shower - Kate, Kensington Palace and Queen Elizabeth II - William and Kate's Love Story - Vocabulary: avoid saying: I don't know! - Vocabulary: Good night ...
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    How to suggest

    How to make suggestions about a plan, an idea, an opinion or an activity? 


    I) To make suggestions, especially if they are invitations : (they may be about food or drinks or just plain invitations to act...)

    *  How about + V - ing/ What about + V - ing

    - "There's nothing to eat in the fridge..." "What about going to that new Italian restaurant?" 




    II) Suggestions using "WHY?" in the construction: general suggestions; (often used in publicity.)  

    * « Why not...+ infinitive WITHOUT to? »

    - Why not cook the leftovers instead? 

    ou « Why don't you ...? »= more specific

    - Good idea! Why don't you do it yourself and show us what a good cook you are... 




        III) In order to suggest: doing or not doing things WITH somebody. 

        * Let's ou let's not (= negative ) + infinitive WITHOUT to...

        - Alright, let's cook together and see what we can make...



    IV) Suggesting with the help of MODAL auxiliaries: 

    a)  Strong forms : couldn't you ? / can't you = very strong and direct if the person is present

    - Come on, Paul, can't you, for once do your share and whisk the eggs? 

    b) Neutral form : could ...

    - You could grate the cheese, if you prefer, Paul! 

    c)  Weak forms: = when trying to be funny or when trying to cheer someone

    I thought we might /  I thought you could/ you could always ...

    - I thought you might become an expert at grating cheese...


    V) Suggest/ Shall (in the interrogative form)

    - Shall we play cards while the quiche is cooking? 

    - I suggest we play cards while the quiche is cooking...



    "Why not do the test now?" This suggestion is almost an invitation, ... I'm so sure that everything will be great for you... Go for it! 


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    A. ' the greatest birthday party you’ve ever had, Lucy?'

    B. 'Oh yes, clowns to stay the whole day. One of them would make candy-floss... but this Mr. Sugar would explain to the kids that they should just have a little... More a health hazard..., couldn’t it, Mum?'

    C. 'Clowns? We’re too big for clowns now... a chef instead? a pastry workshop and make cup cakes, for instance. My friends would love it...'

    D. 'That’s a great idea... a list of the ingredients we’ll need to buy.' ' to know how many guests you’ll receive?'

    E. 'That’s clever... the list for you, Lucy?' 'Well, I your Mum’s permission, first...'

    F. 'That's a brilliant idea... your Mum to help you organise everything. She'll tell you what you're allowed to do... and your party will be a success!'

    End of the free exercise to learn English: How to suggest
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Idioms | Family | Suggesting | All our lessons and exercises