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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #122228: Because or because of
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    Because or because of

    Complete the sentences with because or because of.

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    English exercise "Because or because of" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. Some chemicals have been banned their damaging effect on the environment.

    2. Veronica wanted to leave it was late.

    3. You need to take your umbrella it's raining.

    4. Children love chocolate it's delicious.

    5. All the neighbours loved him his generosity.

    6. They respected him he was always honest.

    7. The football match was delayed rain.

    8. Someone is sitting in the shade today they planted a tree a long time ago.

    9. The headmaster summoned the parents of Cindy her bad behaviour.

    10. Jack was tired he worked all day long.

    11. Milk is good for the bones it offers a rich source of calcium.

    12. This movie is not recommended for children its violent content.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Because or because of
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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