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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #122443: Vocabulary: promising

    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Idioms | Politeness [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Vocabulary: greeting people - Imperative mood and its tags. - Can/could/may... Must/have to... - Vocabulary: avoid saying: I don't know! - Vocabulary: Thanking everyone - Vocabulary: Sorry! (Let's apologise!) - Vocabulary: appointments: how to make, postpone, cancel them - Vocabulary: clarifying a dialogue.
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    Vocabulary: promising

    Sticking to your word, keeping your word, or your promise is very important because your attitude reveals a lot about your personality. 

    Our trust is precious, and we can't give it... and be disappointed! 


     To keep one's promise  To break one's promise  

     To promise sb the moon/

     the earth/ the world

     To give sb one's promise/ 

     one's assurance 

     To promise stg to sb To give sb one's word on stg                      
     To keep one's word  To break one's word 
     To swear that  To make a vow
     To swear an oath to do sg To pledge sb to secrecy 
     To vouch for sb/ sg  To make an agreement with 
     To hold to an agreement     To make a commitment 
     To commit oneself to doing something To depend on someone for 
     To be faithful to one's obligations                                  To rely on someone to do 

     A vain promise

     An idle promise                



     Self-reliant                                                                    Trustworthy
     Faithful                                  Sincere                                                        
     Solemn  A vow 

         Faithful= loyal, constant   
    Reliable= dependable
    To take/ swear an oath


    - That's a promise!

    - I give you my word of honour that... 

    - He is as good as his word! 

    - You can take my word for it! 

    - Promise me that you will...! 

    - I'm committed to it... 

    - The promised land

    - A promise made is a promise kept! 

    - To give something a lick and a promise! (to do something hurriedly and carelessly) : 

    - To promise the world/ the moon/ the earth

    - Promises are like pie crusts: easily made, easily broken!

    To count on= to rely on

    Here you are! Be confident! You'll pass this test with flying colours!  

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    English exercise "Vocabulary: promising" created by here4u with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from here4u]
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    1. In spite of the bad conditions of work, Paul has to stay at that job for another year.

    2. Before the wedding, Jim had ... but the reality of married life looks hard for Sylvia.

    3. 'Of course not! Be realistic! You perfectly know that you can’t him even if he said you could... '

    4. 'Do not believe his words... He keeps making and doesn’t care if people are disappointed.'

    5. 'He has such employees that he’s not afraid of staying at home when he isn’t feeling well.'

    6. 'Now that you’ve told Sandy you’d take her to the swimming pool after school, you must and find your swimsuit.'

    7. 'He had he would lend me the necessary money so that I could buy a new computer...'

    8. 'You won’t give that project , but will do a thorough study to inform our clients properly.'

    9. After hours and days of harsh negociations employers and workers on strike finally . The factory will open again on Monday!

    10. Thanks to employees, the company could become profitable again and avoid bankruptcy.




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