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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #122938: Vocabulary: time 1 (duration)

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    Vocabulary: time 1 (duration)


    TIME is flying...  flying... It never stops flying... We often mention it and are frequently puzzled when it comes to choosing "the right tense" to use... Thus, we often forget that there are words and expressions to be known. We'll insist on this point in the present lesson.

    We have already worked on dates, the days of the week, months, years and which prepositions to use in the different situations: test test

    It will be very useful, let's even say "essential", to read these different lessons again before studying this new one... just to be sure...  



     To go on for an hour/ a week  To last an hour/ a week 
     How long does it last?  For a limited/ an unlimited length of time 





     While  In the meantime 
     For a while  He didn't eat for 2 days

     All day (long)

     The whole day

     For the whole day

     Throughout the week/ the year 

     All through the week/ the year 

     During For months on end 
     In ten years/ in all of ten years  In no time 
     All the time/ the whole time All day/ the whole day
     For 3 hours on end = (BE) = For 3 hours back to back (AE) 
     Round the clock  Till/ until/ up to 
     Up to now Until then/ up till then
     Up to and including May 3rd From now on/ henceforth
     From then on  From 2000 onwards... 



     From Monday to Thursday...  Monday through Thursday 
     From 1970 to / till 1989 From 1970 through 1989
     Momentarily(BE)= briefly Momentarily (AE) = in a moment from now 



     a short spell= a brief moment  short-lived 
     short term  brief/ briefly/ brevity 

     transient/ ephemeral/ fleeting 

     To shorten/ To curtail 

     momentary  temporary 
     provisional=> provisionally  the transition from... to... 
     long/ lengthly/ a long time continuous/ continual 
     ceaseless  to persist
     lasting/ enduring  eternal/ everlasting 
     endless/ unending forever/ for good



    A few words to know and recognise, then... Don't worry, the test is easy... 



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    English exercise "Vocabulary: time 1 (duration)" created by here4u with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from here4u]
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    1. 'How long is your parents’ trip abroad going ?' 'They’ll stay in Scotland for 10 days and will stop at Penny’s on their way back.'

    2. 'This exercise is so easy that I’ll finish it and we’ll go out afterwards.'

    3. 'I’ll have my new badge in two days, , can you please lend me yours?'

    4. 'He’s sick and must stay in bed , but will be back here on Friday morning.'

    5. 'I want you to be sure of my gratitude for the help you gave me when I most needed it.'


    7. The problem is that I’m at work and will only be able to entertain my foreign friends here in the evenings.'

    8. 'As the exercise was too long, I decided to it and deleted the last three questions.'

    9. ', I hadn’t understood the sacrifice he was making for me... Now, this is obvious and clear.'

    10. 'As you’ve done all your homework, you’ll be free tomorrow to go and see your friend . Just be back by 6 p.m.'



    End of the free exercise to learn English: Vocabulary: time 1 (duration)
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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