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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #123077: Although - Despite
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    Although - Despite

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    English exercise "Although - Despite" created by zilazila with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from zilazila]
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    1. My son ate another pizza, he wasn't hungry any more.

    2. being expensive, she would like to go abroad.

    3. She would like to go abroad, it is too expensive for her.

    4. I was very thirsty, I didn't drink the water of the spring.

    5. My grandfather went to the pool, the weather was very cold.

    6. studying hard, he couldn't pass that exam.

    7. He is a rich man, but that he doesn't support his daughter.

    8. He couldn't pass the exam, he had studied hard.

    9. watching that film several times, she wanted to watch it again.

    10. the sky is cloudy, it isn't raining.

    11. Her father doesn't support her, he is a rich man.

    12. the storm, he went to the sea.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Although - Despite
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Conjunctions | Prepositions | All our lessons and exercises