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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #123124: What's your age?

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    What's your age?

    How to ask someone's age and give yours? Here are some very easy and common questions... Let's go over all these questions again.





    1)  In order to give someone's age, you must always use the auxiliary TO BE (and NOT To HAVEin questions, statements and negatives: 

    - How old are you? 

    - How old is your brother? Paul is twenty and Patrick will be eighteen next month. 

    In the same way, if you want to make comparisons:

    - Pamela is the same age as her husband, but they're not the same age as you are. 

     If you use formal style, you'll say: Paul is twenty years old. 

    You may ask the question:  When WERE you born? 

    Therefore, a passive construction is used: Most babies are born in hospital. Her baby will be born in May. 




    2) When you don't need to give a very precise answer= (If you are between 20 and 29) => To be in one's twenties (20's) / thirties (30's)/  forties  (40's) etc. 

    You may then be more precise:   

    - from 20 to 25 => in your early twenties

    - around 25 => in your mid-twenties

    - between 26 and 29 => in your late twenties. 




    3) In order to mention an age in a compound adjective: you MUST omit the -s (added to the noun "years") since this noun is here placed as an adjective and serves like one; as such, it must remain in the singular. 

    - In the group, most students were thirteen-year-old teenagers... 




    That was easy, wasn't it! Now, you're ready to face the test, an "easy" one! Go for it! 


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    A. They got married three years ago and have boy.

    B. No, Paula Sandra, but she . She next July.

    C. 'Rudy is about 50.' 'He last Christmas.' 'Oh yes, I knew he was .'

    D. In my class, there are twenty-three ; I get on quite well with . I think they're funny!

    E. 'When I, I wasn’t allowed to go out in the evenings.' ' Stop it! I’m not that young... ... and old enough to hang around with my friends.

    F. My brother has two ... They’re twins...



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