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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #123244: Foreign - foreigner - strange - stranger

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    Foreign - foreigner - strange - stranger

    In English, and in most languages, I suppose, there are words in front of which foreign students are at a loss. We're going to study two of them (or rather four of them) in this lesson! 





    FOREIGN (= coming from another nation or country) is an adjective qualifying a noun

    - a foreign country / a foreign language


    FOREIGNER is a noun. It's preceded by an article (definite= "the" or indefinite, "a" in the singular, 0 in the plural. )

    - Marrying a foreigner is sometimes quite difficult if the two cultures are very different.





    STRANGE is an adjective meaning "causing curiosity". It accompanies a noun. Il has synonyms which are used depending on the contexts: peculiar/ odd/ bizarre/ weird (informal)/ unusual/ curious/ eccentric.

    - Paul was wearing a strange flowery shirt which made him look like a Hawaiian.


    STRANGER (a newcomer in a place) is a noun which is preceded by an article (the/ a/ 0). 

    - Little kids must never follow strangers or accept anything from them.






    There you are! That was quite easy, wasn't it?  You can test whether you have understood the differences!

    I give you the FORCE! 


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    1. 'Listen to his accent. Obviously, he is a .'

    2. I don’t know what the matter is with me... I’m feeling today.

    3. 'Do you like to eat food like curry or paella?'

    4. It’s not easy for to get work in London.

    5. 'I don’t know what has happened, but she has a very expression on her face.'

    6. 'Who’s that beautiful woman?' 'I don’t know... She’s a complete ...'

    7. 'There are all sorts of in this International school: Germans, Americans, Greeks, Italians...'

    8. 'Of course you’re American, but you have a wife and she’ll need a green card.'

    9. Not many Americans speak a language.

    10. 'When I entered the room, everyone stared at me as if I were a total , which in fact, I was.'




    End of the free exercise to learn English: Foreign - foreigner - strange - stranger
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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