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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #123392: Superheros - to have
    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Films | Have [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Have and activities - Vocabulary: let's go to the cinema! - Have you got / Do you have - Pride and Prejudice : Mr Darcy - Knightley and Emma : the proposal - Cinema and vocabulary - Arnold Schwarzenegger - Have-ordinary verb
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    Superheros - to have

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    English exercise "Superheros - to have" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. Spiderman a red costume and goes everywhere.

    2. I a poster of Wonder Woman in my room.

    3. Batman a black mask and is dressed in black.

    4. I a book about superheroes.

    5. Superman a red cape and I have a blue one.

    6. He red boots and a blue costume.

    7. My friend a black mask and I have a blue one.

    8. In the movie Thor a big hammer.

    9. I white boots and a red hat.

    10. A superhero a lot of powers.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Superheros - to have
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Films | Have | All our lessons and exercises