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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #123596: Vocabulary: chance

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    Vocabulary: chance


    Some people say "chance" doesn't exist...  This isn't the point, here... Therefore, we'll simply study the vocabulary and expressions related to it. 


     ... by chance...


    Some varied vocabulary... 

     By chance

     By accident  

     To come across

     To come upon 

     As luck would have it   At random 
     To chance to do something                                   A random selection 
     It was pure chance  To leave nothing to chance                              
     Just in case  To draw lots 
     The luck of the draw   A hazard= a risk



     Just in case                              Haphazard


     A coincidence  To coincide 
     Accidental  Haphazard                                                      
     A stroke of luck                                                        Luckily 
     Good luck!  To be lucky/ fortunate!         
     Auspicious A lucky charm 



    Hard luck!                                  ominous= threatening

     Bad luck/  ill luck/ misfortune                                                            

     Bad luck!/  Hard luck!/ Tough luck! 

     Unlucky  Unfortunate   
     Ominous  To put on a brave face  
     That's life!  That the way things are!                                                 



      an opportunity                         auspicious


     Destiny  To be destined to do 
     Fate Fortune 

     Lady Luck

     Dame Fortune 

     An opportunity 

     To have the chance to do/  

     The opportunity of doing                                                           

     To take the opportunity to do                                          
     To stand a chance of In case/ on the off-chance that






    - If you're lucky/ fortunate enough to go there... 

    - It was just his luck/ misfortune to do... 

    - That's the way the cookie crumbles... (AE)

    -  It was her destiny/ her fate to...

    - To seize the opportunity of stg/ the chance of stg/ 

    - There's a slight chance that... 

    - I jumped at the opportunity...


    That's it! Now, it's your turn... Face the test and pass it with Flying Colours! 


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    1. 'With a , hopefully, I will get the winning ticket of the loto! You never know!'

    2. 'Yes, I always carry a with me. It’s a rabbit’s paw and I’ve had it for years.'

    3. 'Look at the sky. It’s ! It's so black and heavy with clouds.I’m sure there will be a storm soon, and we’re not ready.'

    4. 'If you run fast, you may have a to get to the performance on time.'

    5. 'Both of you want to play first. As I refuse to choose between the two of you, we'll have to and the winner will start!'

    6. When shopping, I Sofia. As I hadn’t seen her for months, we had a little chat. That was great.

    7. 'Take your umbrella, it might rain. I wouldn’t like us to get soaked through.'

    8. Really! When I was told the place was for sale, I and invested all my money.

    9. Do you think I’ll be as to have the first dance with him?

    10. As she chooses colours , her clothes are not always in harmony.



    End of the free exercise to learn English: Vocabulary: chance
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Making portraits, describing | Idioms | False friends | All our lessons and exercises