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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #124027: Comprehension of a text
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    English exercise "Comprehension of a text" created by gfe1781 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from gfe1781]
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    Firstly, study abroad is a human movement by student immigration in another country the purpose to study other education programme and in this same country.
    The idea of abroad can like a fabulous opportunity to get out of the home country and build a professional life.
    In fact, some people to study in another country for many reasons and advantages; it can willingness to study and to work on a subject or a field that they enjoy particularly,and students also desire to make relationships and broaden a perspective.
    Another point is that students want or improve another language for professional and personnel life.
    To conclude, study abroad is a very current movement in the USA and it in recent years. However, there a decline of this movement in 2017 that can by insecurity.

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