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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #124493: Phrasal verbs - Go + preposition

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    Phrasal verbs - Go + preposition


    1 - To return/to have existed since some time in the past.

    2- To move down to a lower level or place/to reach or go as far as/to be reduced in price, value, amount, quality, level, or size/to be received in a particular way /to lose or be defeated /to be put in prison.

    3 - To start doing a particular type of work/to start an activity/to start to be in a particular state or condition/to discuss/to examine, describe, and explain something in a detailed or careful way.

    4 - (Of a bomb, gun, or similar device) fire or explode/(of drink or food) begins to decompose and become inedible.

    5 -Continue or persevere/happen.

    6 - To consider/to examine/to check (something changes one's allegiance or religion).

    7 - Undergo (a difficult period or experience search through)/ to examine methodically.

    8 - To be suited to or appropriate for each other, somewhat old-fashioned/to have a continuing romantic relationship.

    9, 10 - (of a building or other structure) be built or other structure/to explode or suddenly burst into flames.


    Please fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.


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    English exercise "Phrasal verbs - Go + preposition" created by farshid with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from farshid]
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    1. The dentist was not very good, so I never went there again.

    2. The passengers moved to the lifeboats when the ship started to go with all hands.

    3. Anna has decided to go business as a computer repairer.

    4. The machine pistol suddenly went and killed many soldiers in the field.

    5. John can't go protecting his friend because he isn't strong enough.

    6. George wants to go these plans with his employees again.

    7. The country is going a period of economic instability because of Coronavirus epidemic.

    8. These coat and trousers go well for tomorrow night party.

    9. The housing developments went in Toronto last summer.

    10. Two factories went in flames in Pakistan last month.

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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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