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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #125115: Insects 2/2
    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Animals | Nature | Food [Change theme]
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    Insects 2/2

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    English exercise "Insects 2/2" created by chocolatcitron with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from chocolatcitron]
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    1. Bees gather nectar and pollen from inside the flower to other flowers to pollinate them. They are insects.

    2.  After living many years by eating roots in the ground, the very latest year of its life, cicadas come out and stay on the tree trunk, singing all summer long, sucking sap of the tree with its rostrum: it is a .

    3. As ladybugs eat lots of aphids, they are .

    4. You know that ants breed aphids to suck them, they can also be carnivorous, by eating other animals; but do you know that ants are by eating many seeds sometimes larger than they are, and with courage, they carry them on their backs to the nest and help one another? As they also cultivate mushrooms, they are mycophage, they eat corpses, they love sugar, and to put it bluntly, ants are really omnivore.

    5. Dragonflies are fearsome predators; they criss-cross the rivers because they find many insects: therefore they are .

    6. Some fireflies are herbivores, others are , others no longer feed as adults as they have no mouth, but all are useful animals!

    7. Do you know that only female mosquitoes bite when they need to lay their eggs? Males are insects and spend their time foraging.

    8. Most butterflies sip nectar from flowers and pollinate them: they are butterflies,... when others have more original tastes.

    9. Some scarab beetles eat fruits, others eat roots and then the dung beetles enjoy eating droppings: they are

    10. This green grasshopper eats lots of plants every day, it is a .

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Insects 2/2
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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