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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #125179: Food and idioms 1
    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Frequent mistakes | Idioms | Food [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Placement test beginners: Check your spelling - Past simple or present perfect - Vocabulary: at the restaurant - Although / in spite of / despite - Differences between Like and As - Again/ back - Fruits and vegetables - Eating out-Vocabulary
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    Food and idioms 1

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    English exercise "Food and idioms 1" created by chocolatcitron with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from chocolatcitron]
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    1. When Philip arrived, he always had at work. Now he's retired, but he's still glowing for those around him.

    2. She hid her in the mass of her hair and put a turban around her head... to flatten them.

    3. But this runaway teenager to follow the first one to a foreign country whose language she doesn't even speak!

    4. She had been warned that this man was an impostor... but she is heart and she kicked herself again!

    5. The investigated and placed the indelicate inspector's money into receivership.

    6. Michel had thick that surrounded his too slim face.

    7. The newcomer feared for his life, refused to eat for fear that he would be .

    8. As she had slept well before competing she felt fit: she and won her championship.

    9. Let's get back to work now, because we have , before we move in!

    10. My mother cooked meals for us, so delicious that there was nothing left in her dishes!

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Food and idioms 1
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Frequent mistakes | Idioms | Food | All our lessons and exercises