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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #125487: Vocabulary: help!

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    > Similar tests: - Vocabulary: greeting people - Describing a face - Describing a picture - Imperative mood and its tags. - Can/could/may... Must/have to... - Adjectives: where to place them? - Vocabulary: avoid saying: I don't know! - Vocabulary: Thanking everyone
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    Vocabulary: help!

    It's often difficult to ask for help... it shouldn't be!  




    Learning to ask for help is the first step to being ready to give some, if needed!     



        To give a hand...                                     To be helpful.


     To help sb to do sth

     To assist sb (formal) => assistance               

     To give sb a hand to do sth         
     To be helpful/ to be obliging   To be considerate towards 
     To be attentive to  To be solicitous 
     To support sb in sth  To be supportive of sb
     To offer support to sb  To ask sb a favour



        To be solicitous                                          A volunteer/ to volunteer


    - To help somebody across the road

    - To make oneself useful

    - To do somebody a service/ a good turn/ a favour/ 


     Volunteer (the adjective is rare)  Voluntary  (work)
     To volunteer to do sg  (verb)                                                                            Unpaid
     A volunteer (noun)  A helper 
     To be inconsiderate/ thoughtless  To disturb/ to bother 
     To be a nuisance   To hinder sb's work 
     A hindrance   To hamper sb's efforts                             



          A helper                                                 To be considerate/ inconsiderate



    - You're in the way 

    - To do sb a disservice/ a bad turn .

    - Can you give me a hand (with this), please?/ Do you want a hand?  

    - Could you help me for a second, please?  

    - Can I ask you a favour, please? 

    - I wonder if you could help me with this...  

    - I could do with some help, please/I need some help, please.   

    - I can't manage. Can you help, please?  

    - Give me a hand with this, will you?/ Lend me a hand with this, will you? 

    - Could you spare a moment, please? 

    - Can I be of any help? / of any assistance to you? 

    - If it's alright with you, I'll...  

    - Do you mind if ... ? 

    - It's no trouble, I assure you.   



          A nuisance                                               A hindrance



    "The Mayday callsign was originated in 1923 by Frederick Stanley "Big Johnson" Mockford. Whilst senior radio officer at Croydon Airport in London, Mockford was asked to think of a word that would indicate distress and would easily be understood by all pilots and ground staff in an emergency. Since much of the traffic at the time was between Croydon and Le Bourget Airport in Paris, he proposed the word "Mayday" from the French "m'aider."

    "Unlike WD-40, CVS, and TASER, SOS is not even an acronym: It's a Morse code sequence, deliberately introduced by the German government in a 1905 set of radio regulations to stand out from less important telegraph transmissions. Translated to Morse code, SOS looks like this:

    “. . . – – – . . .” " (SOS: Here's What This Abbreviation Really Means | Reader's Digest (rd.com) )



        To assist people                                    To make oneself useful


    I hope you'll never need to ask for help and that people will always be ready to give you some...

    Now, the test! You won't need any help to pass it with flying colours, I'm sure!   

    Thanks a lot for working with me! 


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    English exercise "Vocabulary: help!" created by here4u with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from here4u]
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    1. When I was in hospital, the many messages I received from my friends and acquaintances were a great comfort and help.

    2. 'I wonder if I can without disturbing her too much.'

    3. 'Oh Lucy, you’re a . If you don’t stop making so much noise, you’ll be punished.'

    4. 'My little sister me all the time, but she’s really cute and funny.'

    5. 'Thanks a lot! You’ve been very when I didn’t know what to do.'

    6. 'Could you please ? I have no idea how to use this new machine. I can’t even see the point of it.'

    7. 'Could you ten minutes or so to explain that tricky problem to me, please?'

    8. ' I ask you to drive my car back home, please? I’m afraid I’ve had a glass too many. Quite stupid of me.'

    9. 'Offering to drive me home was very of you! I really thank you very much.'

    10. 'Don’t worry! you don’t do your room before leaving. It will be done before you come back.'



    End of the free exercise to learn English: Vocabulary: help!
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