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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #125851: Vocabulary: obeying or disobeying someone

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    Vocabulary: obeying or disobeying someone

    Since our childhood, in any mother tongue, we have heard: "You must obey!", "You must NOT disobey!"; these words were repeated again and again... Later, in our present society life has imposed rules that had to be followed, respected and transmitted.



    A lot of vocabulary and of expressions belong to this theme. Therefore, it's important to get familiar with all of them and to try and remember those which will be useful to you.  



                                           OBEY!                                              To be submissive


     To obey sb/ sth  obedient 
     To conform to sth                                                                                   in accordance with 

     To abide by something

     To respect something  

     To toe the line   to obey sb implicitly           


     Docile/ docility  meek
     To submit to sb/ sth  submission
     Submissive   subservient/ servile   
     Servility/ subservience  obsequious
     To defer to sb  deferential
     To back down GB/ back off US  deference 



                                 Very accommodating...                        To be at someone's beck and call...


    - As you please/ as you like

    - To be at sb's beck and call

    - She can twist him round her little finger

    - Do what you're told!/ Do as you're told!

    - To give way to sb/sth/ to yield to sb/ sth



                                         To toe the line                                                   To be deferential


     To disobey/ disobedient                                                                           



     To ignore/ to pay no heed to   defiance
     To defy sb to do sth  defiant
     To stand up to sb  nonconformity  
     Insubordinate/ insurbordination   rebellious/ a rebel                                  
     To rebel against/ a rebellion   to revolt/ a revolt 
     Mutinous/ a mutiny    to mutiny 



                                       A defiant kid                                            and a rebellious one! 


    There you are! The following test is quite easy after reading the lesson well. I'm certain you'll pass it with flying colours.  

    Thanks for working with me. I hope I've been of some help!  


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    1. Why did you your father in spite of what he had told you repeatedly?

    2. As Jim had always been , nobody understood when he was arrested and imprisoned.

    3. If you don’t want this bully to dominate your group, you must unite and him together.

    4. Everyone understood that the workers on strike were not going to and that the strike was going to last.

    5. The dog rolled onto the carpet in a attitude and expected his master to go and walk him.

    6. You shouldn’t the temptation of destroying what you have accomplished simply because you’re leaving the firm.

    7. Children used to be taught and respect for their elders.

    8. He knew that he had to and respect the rules if he didn’t want to be expelled from his high school.

    9. When he was five, Tim was quite , but he behaves satisfactorily now.

    10. “The lecture will be very long, you know.Two or three hours.Feel free to go .”



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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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