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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #125932: Vocabulary: sight - ways of looking

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    Vocabulary: sight - ways of looking

    A first lesson for beginners (test) was starting to study elementary vocabulary concerning the description of eyes and the different ways of looking. 




    This  lesson will take you further and will require more efforts... Sorry!    but  finally, I know that you like having a great variety of words in order to express yourself! Enjoy! 


     To see, I saw, seen 

     To have good / bad eyesight 

     Visible/ invisible  Visibility/ visual
     At first sight  To be in sight 
     To come into sight/ appear   To be out of sight 
     To go out of sight/ disappear            To make sth out 
     To block sb's view  A lovely view 
     The sight of  A witness of/ to 
     The onlookers Clear/ clarity
     Transparent/ transparency  An optical illusion 
     Conspicuous To be inconspicuous                        



    The conspicuous red apple... 


    - at the sight of him/ when they saw him...

    - to lose sight of sth/ sb (to lose, I lost, lost)

    - to shoot on sight

    - to know sb by sight

    - To keep a look out for stg/ sb



     To look at sth/ sb/ 

     To have a look

     To take a look at 

     Watch him do it

     Look at him do it 

     To look down/ up  To look for sth/ sb                               
     To observe/ to watch  To examine 
     Observant/ observation                An observer 

     To notice stg/ sth 

     To spot stg/ sth 

     To notice that 





    To glare                                                 To gape (astonishingly)


     To gaze at sb/ sth  To fix one's gaze on sth/ sb                          
     To glance at To glance up/ around 

     To catch sight of 

     To catch a glimpse of 

     To scan sth 
     To peep at sth  To squint at sth 
     To look surreptitiously at               To ogle 
     To blink  To gaze into space 
     To stare at  To peer at 
     To glare at  To make eyes at sb 
     To wink at  To gape at 



    To gape at...: to stare with open mouth, as in wonder.       To look daggers: to look at (someone) with anger.


    - He didn't take his eyes off her

    - He can't look beyond the end of his nose/ past the tip of his nose

    - A cat can look at a king! 

    - Don't look a gift horse in the mouth! 

    - To look at things through rose-tinted spectacles 

    - To look like a million dollars: To look exceptionally attractive or in very robust health.

    - To have a look-see: to have a very quick look or brief examination.

    - To look daggers at (one): to glare at someone very angrily, spitefully, or disdainfully.

    - To look high and low (for someone or something): to look absolutely everywhere for someone or something.



    I think you'd be wrong to want to remember the whole lot at the same time...

    Do not hesitate to take a pick at your favourite expressions and try not to forget them.  

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    1. As soon as their Mum and Dad were the boys seized their parents’ tablets and tried to hack the codes.

    2. I can’t say Tom’s a friend or even an acquaintance of mine.I simply , that’s all.

    3. At the foot of the Sears Tower, Tim and felt so little that his eyes were dazzled.

    4. If you look carefully, you’ll of the sea at the next bend of the road.

    5. During the test, I saw Jenny Tom’s results and copy them.

    6. When I saw my friend me, I understood she was just kidding and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

    7. Remember! If you want to win the match, you should never the ball and really focus.

    8. For long minutes, Maggie nothing and looked ever so sad. I wonder how she can be helped.

    9. The woman me as if she had seen a ghost, and told me I was the exact image of her dead sister.

    10. Let me your paper and see if we can correct a mistake or two.




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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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