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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #125948: British English - American English:clothes and accessories 1

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    > Similar tests: - Placement test beginners: Check your spelling - Past simple or present perfect - Although / in spite of / despite - Differences between Like and As - Again/ back - FOR and its use - Do or Make? - British English/American English
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    British English - American English:clothes and accessories 1 - English lesson



    British English:

    British or American English:

    American English:

    dressing gown


    A bathrobe, a robe

    A pair of pyjamas, to put on one's pyjamas, to get into one's pyjamas, to don your pyjamas


    A pair of pajamas, to put on one's pajamas, to get into one's pajamas, to don your pajamas

    A vest


    An undershirt

    Pants, underwear (invariable), undies






    Knickers, pants


    Panties, underpants

    To work: a boiler suit (GB), coveralls (US).

    dungarees (GB), overalls (US).

    British English:

    British English OR American English:

    American English:

    Trousers, a pair of trousers


    Pants, a pair of pants

    A waistcoat


    A vest

    A cardy, a cardi, a cardie

    A cardigan



    A jacket


    A swimming costume, a swimsuit

    A swimsuit pour les femmes. Swimming trunks, bathing trunks pour les hommes. Pour les hommes c'est au pluriel

    A bathing suit, a bathing costume


    A jersey


    A zip, a zip fastener


    Zipper, a zip fastening

    A pair of braces


    A pair of suspenders







    British English OR American English:



    A vest, a jacket



    A life jacket



    A safety vest, a safety jacket



    A bulletproof-vest, a flak jacket



    The yellow jacket movement, yellow jackets movement, yellow vest movement, yellow vests movement






    British English OR American English:
     or :



    sport shoes


    A rucksack

    A backpack



    A handbag

    A purse

    A bumbag

    A fanny pack

    A holdall


     A carryall


    A wallet (form men). A purse (for women).

    A billfold

    A purse


    A change purse, a coin purse, a pocket book, a wallet

    A mobile telephone, a mobile phone

    A mobile phone

    A cell phone, a cellphone



    British English OR American English:


    A dummy


    A pacifier

    A nappy


    A diaper





    Exercise: Choose the right words in British English.

    Photos from Pixabay (anonymised).




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    English exercise "British English - American English:clothes and accessories 1" created by chocolatcitron with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from chocolatcitron]
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    1.  The cashier asked the customers to give her the exact money because she had no more change; that's when this customer arrived with his well-filled ! She gave him a broad smile.

    2.  Would you wear this pair of candy pink ?

    3.  This roadmender is raking leaves, dressed in his with its fluorescent green bands in order to be seen from drivers.

    4.  It is already noon and he is still in his to phone his darling: it is not by acting in this way that he will find any work!

    5.  He wears faded and stained : this man does not take care of him, and wears casual clothes.

    6.  That morning, he chose to wear a red bow tie and some with his blue outfit: in your opinion, is it a lack of taste?

    7.  Since she was pregnant, she could no longer close her !

    8.  This swimmer is wearing a navy blue .

    9.  The two girls drink their milk, already showered and wearing their pair of : they both like red, but the redhead's is redder than that of the blondie's.

    10.  He has grown a lot since he bought his outfit: he will have to change his pants, but his on the other hand still suits him!

    End of the free exercise to learn English: British English - American English:clothes and accessories 1
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Frequent mistakes | USA | All our lessons and exercises